Hello again everyone!
First off, I would like to thank BIG for adding a subject to my post
yesterday, as I was so intent on sending out my message I forgot one!
Secondly, I am in the process of trying to get Chance (my new kit) to
stop his biting.  I am currently attempting the 'bite, OWCH!, scruff, no
bite no bite, timeout' method.  Here's the interesting thing.  When I got
home, I let him out to play.  He did his usual sniff around town, then
came back and bit my toe.  When I picked him up by the scruff to scold
him... guess what he did?  Right..  Chop Chop!  I wish we had some idea
what that motion really ment, or where it comes from in their origional
habitat... or maybe it's just a motion that got ingrained into them from
domestication.  I have absolutely no idea.
Last but not least, I admit I am a little messy.  But aparently it's not
an entirly bad thing.  It gives Chance an oppertunity to find new toys
that I would never have thought of.  The Latest Greatest Thing today is
the plastic packaging that the Marshal Drying Sack.  It serves two
wonderful purposes.  First, the short end of the cardboard is a
neverending tug of war, seeing as he is laying on the other half while
tugging.  Second, he flips over and he now has a never-ending invidable
dig wall.
Also one very quick question, and no I have not hit the FML Ferret FAQ
yet, though it is in my inbox, is... When a ferret's tail is poofed, is
it happy or mad or does it depend on the rest of the body language to go
with it?
Wait!  One more thing.  Claire, I'm extemely happy to hear that it all
ended up well with the little adventurers.  It speaks highly not only of
your little guys and gals, but of yourself.  That they would miss out on
all the fun (i.e. trouble) they could have had just to come home to you.
Absolutely fabulous!
Jacob Mather
Owned by: Chance, The Master of Hiding and Seeker of Sneekers
Adopted by Stinky, The King of Kerplop (i.e. I'm tired, flop,
snooooooze), and Lord of UnderMyBed
p.s.  Don't hesitate to use my private e-mail if you want to.  I know
sometimes you just want to say something but you don't wanna say it to
p.s.s.  Unless it's a flame.  Please keep in mind, I've been around
ferrets going on 3 months.  I'm learning as much as I can as quickly
as possable.  No need to yell at me, just be reasonable!  Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 4222]