Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled bungee-jumpers...
(Let's climb these cages all the way to the top, then jump off...we'll
bounce on the love seat...or the cat!)
Two new pics of the kids.  In the first, both of the new boys (Butch
[sable] and Sundance [silver-cream]) are laying on their backs, feet in
the air, directly in the breeze from two room fans (one at each end of
the room).  I wish *I* had to work that hard!
In the second, this is *not* an optical illusion.  Spazzie has her large
back end on a hammock, her chin on a shelf and her legs hangin' in the
breeze! :)  She actually likes to sleep like that!  The frosty sock to
the left is usually ignored.
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 4221]