Rascal is doing very well.  She plays all the time.  She's already picked
her favorite sleeping spots.  One of them is under my bedside table.  I
have fluffy blankets under there.  Another one is in the cornstarch
The vet thinks Delia has improved because of Rascal.  He thinks having
the playmate distraction is good for her.  She has stubble today which
means her medicine is working and she's regrowing hair!!!!!!  She's been
quite spunky lately thanks to little Rascal.
Rascal has also stolen my boyfriend's heart.  He would never admit it,
but he picks her up, gives her scratchies and plays with her.
The other day, she discovered the flex-tube.  She came out the end,
started dancing and jumped up and spun around.  It was hilarious.  I had
a big cardboard doll box that I cut a hole in.  I put two balls that have
bells in them in it.  She's been going into the box and having a blast.
She's so hilarious and sweet.
I've noticed that she doesn't' pee and poop in the same spot.  She'll
pee in the pan, but she won't poop in the same place.  She's so silly.
As of today, the girls are snuggling together.  I went downstairs to
check on them and they were in Delia's favorite sleeping spot snuggled up
together.  Delia stuck her head out for kisses and Rascal sorta lifted
her head up with a little happy ferret smile.  I'm so glad they're
snuggling.  I put Rascal's sleeping blankets next to Delia's sleeping
cube hoping that it would help Rascal understand the fun of snuggling.
Have a great weekend,
Laura, Delia, Rascal and Fred (the cockatiel)
Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until
you realize it was your money to start with.
[Posted in FML issue 4221]