Hi there,
Hugs & dooks to all!
I am a unique glass artist and am offering 12 of my pieces to be
auctioned on ebay to benefit 12 shelters.  I have emailed Bill and he
suggested a way to do this so it would be fair...Thanks Bill.
How will it work you ask......It will be like a lottery..  I ask that
all shelters who want a chance a being chosen to email me their name and
address by the 30th of July/03.  After that date...all shelters that have
emailed me will be compiled into a numbered list which I will then send a
list to two lovely ladies who have agreed to help out...Judy Cooke &
Heather Wojtowicz.  Bill will be sent only how many numbers of shelters
submitted, NOT NAMES...to be totally fair...each month he will draw a
number...email me, Judy or Heather with what the number is and we will
look on the list and that number will determine which Shelter will
benefit that month.
I will pay all shipping costs to the winning bidder in the USA or Canada.
ALL proceeds from the auction will go to the shelter of the month.  I
hope that people from the list will participate so that we can raise some
money for these lucky shelters.  For the shelters that are drawn each
month, I will contact you via email, and let you know that you are the
shelter of the month....if you would like to advertise in your shelter
that you are benefiting that month, be my guest.
Good luck to all and I hope this raises alot of cash for those hard
working people out there helping all the fuzzies!
Kate & Spaz monster
[Posted in FML issue 4221]