Hi All-
I just recieved my copy of Fuzzbean Crossing.  I would like to openly
thank Donna Austin for such a lovely book.  I lost my foster, Chicky,
some time ago and her story is in this book.  As I paged through, I came
upon her story and read it again for the first time since I wrote it.
Tears came welling up again from holes in my heart that I thought that I
had patched up.  This time the tears meant something different for me.
The first time they came, so long ago it seems, they represented pain,
grief and sorrow.  The tears I shed today signify happiness, a new day
and hope.
My happiness is knowing that now Chicky can run and play free forever.
Every new day that comes helps that hole in my heart fill up with the
wonderful memories of her and all of the ferts that come in and out of my
life.  And hope...the hope that one day Chicky and I (as well as all of
her brothers and sisters) will walk over the rainbow bridge together, as
a family.
Thank you again, Donna.  I will cherish this book everyday.  It will
always be a gentle reminder of not only my wonderful fert Chicky, but
of all of her playmates who are waiting at the bridge.
Jakob, Abby, Elliot, Lily & Jackson
*missing Chicky and Bailey*
[Posted in FML issue 4217]