Q: "WHAT does F = (LBC2/4HCAL)/5(r2) mean?!?!?!?
A: If you have to ask, you should be told.
LBC = Long Bodied Cat  (to protect CaCaLand ferrets).
HCAL = Hard Core Animal Lover.
"i2" is the ferret "intensity" constant (i squared), factoring in
variables (including but not limited to) ear licks, stock stealing,
snuggling, nose biting, war dancing, snorkling, butt dragging, and
qhat intense look on a ferret's face when dropping a load.
If you study the equation carefully, you will see it is the only
explanation for the intensitiy of emotion displayed by ferret lovers
towards ferrets.
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 4185]