Hi Pherit,
My hero is White Russian.  It was his mommy and his friend Kat Parsons
that grabbed my attention and taught me about ADV.  Your post was
beautiful yesterday.  I thank you for writing it for the sake of all
ferrets.  I went to the ferret universe page that you gave and I give it
a definate thumbs up!!!  My ADV Straight page needs to be corrected and
updated, as well as the old links, but I have yet to figure out how to do
that now that I am not on geocities anymore.  I've been a very slow
learner, and I' haven't managed an update in a while.  There used to not
be very much information out there for the ferret owner back when I made
that page.  I"m seeing access to information getting better all the time.
We need more.  I'm very appreciative to see a site out there with such
great information, and to have someone out there speaking up for the
prevention of ADV.  It's a wonderful page, thank you for posting it.
Win the White Russian Quilt!
Wolfy's site has MOVED to:
[Posted in FML issue 4190]