Hi all
My hooman has been a little buzy lately.  Work is picking up for a little
while anyway.
A little guy named Joker came in today.  He waz met by Jasper, Casper,
Princess, Riki, Pansy, Dean and Merret.  I introduced everyone to
everyone to make sure they all knew each other.  They were all glad to
see him and greeted him warmly.  They had to sit around for da usual
gossip session and talk about da news at home and get caught up.  They
talked for quite a while.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da
sights and attraction.  He waz a little scared of all da open space at
first but he soon got used to it after he found out nothing waz going to
hurt him here.  They headed out to a Fields to play in da grass and roll
around and run.  They seemed to have a real good time chasing each other
and playing tag.  He slowly got used to it and seemed to enjoy himself a
lot and waz in da thick of all da running.  They eventually got pooped
out by it and had to retire to Hammock Haven for a nap.  He seemed to
like dat best.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses to hiz daddy.
A little girl named Smokey came in later.  I gave her da tour of da place
and showed her all da sights and attractions.  She had to visit da Fruit
bar and try out all da snacks and stuff.  Then it was off to da Gravy
Gourmet and had a lot of dat.  She sure can eat when she wants.  She
headed out to Dirt Mountain where she said she waz going to dig for a
while.  She played in da dirt digging just for da fun of it.  Then she
waz joined by some of da local excavating engineers who always show up
when someone is digging to help and they talked her into digging out a
den for herself.  They figured out what she might like and everyone
helped get it done.  With all them digging it didn't take very long to
get it all dug out.  She seemed to enjoy it to.  They even gave her a
hand getting all da socks from da Sock Steal Game to make it all comfy.
She said not to worry as she is doing good.  She said to send her luv
and lots of ferrety kisses.
I am off to take a power nap.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4189]