Hello to all,
I am in a terrible situation.  I have just gotten an unexpected job offer
on the west coast (I found out yesterday), and I have to leave VERY soon
(6/28).  The only problem is that I will be living in a company provided
apartment and despite my kicking and screaming, I cannot take Loki (the
fuzzy) with me.  I am at a loss as what to do...I can't pass up this job,
but there is no way I can take her to my local shelter (Hudson county)
because it is no longer a no-kill shelter.  I have tried every friend I
can find and there is no one I feel comfortable leaving her with.  I
just want to make sure she has a safe home and will not be harmed.  I
am looking for any information regarding a good no-kill shelter in the
NYC/North New Jersey metropolitan area (The nice folks from sjferret.com
offered to take her, but I don't know if I can get down there as I do not
have a car).  If anyone knows of any place that I could take her, please
contact me ASAP, I'll be checking my mail regularly.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Culbertson
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[Posted in FML issue 4189]