You guys we got Blacky's Marshalls stuff in the mail today (the packet
you get when you mail off for your garentee and things).  I found a huge,
nice birth certificate!  I called Scott, my husband to tell him about it
as I knew he'd be pleased.  I was shocked to find that Blacky was born in
Feb (we thought it was much later than that).  I told Scott, and told him
his exact b-day as well.  lol.  I was met with air silence over the phone
(at which point I'm imagining his bright eyes all excited over this like
a little kid), then just like a little kid he literally says to me, "I
want one for every one of my ferrets... call MF now and tell them I want
'em" all serious and excited.  Loooooooooool.
Even if the date is "approximated" its a nice gesture.  I hate picking
a make believe bday for my pets, and then "convincing" myself over the
years that it is true.  Ya know?  Anyway, it was really cute.  Scott was
like a kid that says, "I wanna blank blank blank".  You can actually
"see" this whole situation acted out on tv, if you want.  There is this
PEP boys add, with a man and a woman sitting in the waiting area.  Next
to them is another man holding a blow up blimp who tells him all about
tires he got there.  And the man gets quiet after hearing all this.  He
then whips his head over to the wife and like a child and says, "I want
tires that blank blank blank".... to which she flips mag page, and says,
"alright dear", and he goes "and a blimp?", she says okay.  The man then
sits there all satisfied with a huge grin on his face.  Yuuuuuuuuuuup,
dat was Scott today all lright!!!!
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[Posted in FML issue 4185]