Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone that sent me cards and
e-mails, I appreciated them all so much.  I don't know what I would
do without all of you and this forum.  You are all so helpful and so
understanding and sympathetic about everyones feelings.
This is such a hard time for us all, I miss my Samantha so much.  My
biggest problem is my other fuzzies seem to be so depressed, all they do
is look for Samantha.  They won't eat or play.  I am so worried about
them, I don't want to loose them too, I don't think my heart could stand
it.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to make them feel better?  I have
tried paying them more attention, and trying to get them to play and eat
but they are just not interested.  I just hope they never get tired of
all the loven and kisses I give them.  All they do now is mope around and
sleep where Samantha used to sleep curled up in my robe on the closet
floor.  It just breaks my heart more to think of them in pain and not
knowing how to make them feel better.
Thank you all for listening and for all the prayers and cards and
My prayers are with all of you and my heart goes out to all of you that
have been through this too.
Tabitha, and Momma's Monkey {the baby}
" Live Each Day The Best You Can, Cause You
Never Know When It Might Be Your Last"
[Posted in FML issue 4184]