What was upsetting to me was as far as i knew,Sandi usually doesn't have
that many ferrets.....i'm worried about wayyyyyy too many ferrets & not
enough homes.Not only here in Wa but all over... Like i said,it goes in
spurts but this is a bad year....
Please correct me if i'm wrong,but....
To me,a sad part is the Wa Shelters are not a network like the
PFSN...(except City Ferrets <Burlington,Wa> who are members) They seem
very separate.When you network you know what the other Shelters are
doing.  You work together to fundraise and when one Shelter gets too
full, ferrets are divided between as is the money.Here in Wa State the
Shelters seem very divided.  If they were more in sync,Sandi would of
known that Char is participating in an adrenal study and not all ferrets
in her care are her own.Char is not a collector as possibly implied...
Sure,she has i think 42 ferrets but many belong to others.Char is
supplying food,litter and care in her home,without any compensation.Just
how many ferret owners are willing to do that??  Not many...especially
with a hubby who fell on his own bad back a week ago as not to fall on
any ferrets underfoot.Not only is Bob now facing another life threatening
operation to repair this dbl damage,but Char must do most of the care
alone.Her daily tasks completely floor me.She may not be a "Shelter" per
say,but she is doing this alone.Shelters have help.All the daily expenses
come out of their pockets,not an easy thing by any means.I am going to
visit them on Saturday.I have invited her & Bob to visit us on our boat
but they are unable because of the ferrets.This has been a tough 2 yrs on
them but this studies outcome supersedes their own needs.Rather than
chastise i think a big Thank You is in order..... So Thank you,Char....
you do great work;))
Tara....'nuff said;)
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NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4183]