Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Bob?  ::Waving my hand at the screen emphatically, Wolfy-style:: I have
>questions!  Not very intelligent ones and perhaps even annoying ones.
>But I have them none-the-less.
All knowledge springs from questions.
Your questions are very good, but I won't have time to answer them until
the series on enrichment is done.  If you want, I can add a discussion of
ferret intelligence to my list of things to write about, and I can detail
the whats, whens, wheres, whos, and hows at that time.  Just to tease you
a bit, all I will say for now is that there are at least a half-dozen
well-done papers on the intelligence and problem solving abilities of
mustelids, including some cool studies of dogs, cats, herpestids,
polecats, and ferrets.
"BOOM!  :: A small mushroom cloud is seen over the hills of
Why are you blowing yourself up?  Asking intelligent questions short out
the gray matter?  ;-)
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 4183]