In March 2003 a little girl came into our shelter.  He name was Sophie.
She was the sweetest little thing and feel head over heals for her
shelter daddy Shawn.
Here is her story:
In 2002 Sophie and her buddies couldn't stay with her mommy anymore.  Her
mommy found a home for Sophie and Mr. Bones.  While Buster and Stinker
came to our shelter (they were older and sick).  Mr. Bones died several
months later and Sophie was left as a single.  Then the new family was
moving to CA and they couldn't take her.  Sophies first mommy got her and
brought her to our shelter in March 2003.
She had lost weight and didn't look very good.  We took her to the vet
and ran some tests.  It was finally discovered that she had helicobacter
and possibly the start of ulcers.  She was put on medication.  That
didn't seem to help and she lost 3 ounces in about 2 weeks.  Off to the
vet again.  More tests and more medication.  The medication seemed to
work for a little while.
Sophie loved her daddy more than anything.  She was free roam in his room
and slept with him at night.  She loved to curl up in his shirt or lay in
her bed right next to him.  He would call her name at night until he fell
asleep just so she knew she wasn't alone.  She was daddies little Sopa.
Then daddy went away for a training academy and was only home on the
weekends.  Her health started to go down.  I could not make up for the
loss of her daddy during the week.  She missed him.  Her health did not
help.  Yet she had her moments where she would jump and play and then
snuggle up with me.  She would take treats just to put them away for
others to eat (her brother Buster had done this too while at our shelter
until he went to the Rainbow Bridge).  She loved to go outside and she
loved dog food!
On June 7th we had to take her and another sick shelter kid to a beloved
friends house to watch for the week.  Shawn and I would both would be out
of town for the week and needed to ensure that they got their medication
and were spoiled.  I called back every other day to check in and she was
doing ok.  She was taking her medication and eating gravy.  She was also
being very spoiled.
Then Saturday morning (June 14, 2003) around 6:20 am we got a call.
Sophie was going down hill fast and she wanted to know what she should
do.  We had only had 3 hours sleep but decided to rush to Sophie in the
hopes that she would hold on at least until we could be there with her.
About 3 hours away from her we got the call saying that she didn't make
it.  Sophie died in our friends arms.  She went peacefully.  She was not
alone and not afraid.
We picked her and Zippy up and headed home.  Shawn held her in her
sleepsack all of the way home.  (about an hour drive).  He cried the
whole time too.  Once we got home, Shawn prepared to bury her.  He got a
4inch PVC tube and engraved her name and date on it.  He also put "Daddys
little Sopa".  He wrapped her in favorite soft blankie.  He put some
treats and dog food in with her.  Then he sealed her in her tube forever.
I dug the hole in our backyard right next to Buster.  Before placing her
in the ground I read out loud the Rainbow Bridge Poem.  Then Shawn
covered her up and placed a temporary headstone on her finally resting
Sandee, can you please greet have Mr. Bones, Buster, Zorro, Oggie,
Doodlebug, Eddie, Wolfie and Frito greet her.  She only knew Mr. Bones
and Buster but I think she would love all of them.  Please tell her that
her mommy and daddy love her so much and miss her.  Please help her
understand that we are so sorry we couldn't be there but that knowing she
was with her Auntie when she went to the Bridge made it a little easier
for us.  Her Auntie misses her too so very much.
Hold your little ones a little closer today and remember to live like
they do.  Never take for granted the gift of life and of friendships and
"Ferrets are the Spice of Life"
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4183]