Well - I am of very mixed feelings about this - My Angel had classic
symptoms of adrenal.  I opted for surgery - it was successful - her
left adrenal was very very enlarged and was removed.  However, post
operatively she threw a clot and died it destroyed half her heart.  If I
had not opted for surgery, she would be here today.  She was hairless but
very happy and, up to the point of surgery, was having a very good life.
Then I have my Sapp, who also has adrenal disease.  He is seven and I
opted for Lupron.  His first symptom was hind leg dysfunction.  With
Lupron he is ambulating better and doing all things ferts do - as best he
can - not in any pain - still here and happy.  SO -- what is best - I do
not know - but I really wish that I had NOT opted for surgery for my
Now there is Jo-Jo who has no hair on her tail - - - what to do ?  I
cannot know right now.  I am an RN and know, more than most, the possible
post op complications both for humans and fuzzies and I also know that
medication available for adrenal is not a cure.  Due to my recent
experiences - I am opting to do nothing, right now, for Jo-Jo.  So I
guess I am not treating adrenal disease......
P.S. I did not mention that treating Angel's adrenal disease cost over
$600 - it was not important to me - but it may be to others who may not
treat adrenal disease due to cost not lack of love.
My final thoughts - think very, very carefully about your decision how to
treat adrenal disease.  And mostly - hug your fuzzies!  Z
[Posted in FML issue 4183]