It's been a long time.  Let's do a ferret poem contest again!  What do
you say?
All poems have to be sent publicly.  Anyone can comment on them and can
even say things like, "Oh, A!  Your poem 'Hold my furry hand' is my
personal winner for tear jerker".
Everyone looks at different things in a poem so I don't think that a
formal winner makes sense.  I tend to go for ones with interesting
imagery, good sense of meter, etc.  Other people go for which ones make
them laugh or cry the most, so I'd rather stay with people privately and
publicly appreciating the poems than having a formal winner or winners
though folks sure can note their private favorites (personal winners)
in praise mails comments on lines they like, images they like, bouncy
meters, tears brought forth, laughter, whatever gets to you and makes
you appreciate something!
There are only SIX rules:
- All poems must be about ferrets.
- All poems must be friendly.
- To not overflow the FML no poem is to be over 10 lines long.
- Also to not overflow the FML no one is to submit more than  three
  poems a week (besides that gives time for re-writes before they are
- A finally a third thing to not overflow the FML: praise sent publicly
  should be kept to a few sentences.
- All poems must be new
So, share some laughter, tears, and joy!  It's a new poem contest!
Limmericks, hiakus, free verse, odes, saga poems, etc. are all welcome!
[Moderator's note: 10 lines seems a bit short to me -- I'd say a few more
lines than that would be fine too... maybe 20 or 25 line limit?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4182]