Ok - I adopted Jubal (Harold) from Barb Clay during Ferretsock (some
of us ganged up on my husband to let me take the ferret home <VGB>)
anyways - Jubal is a wild man compared to laid back SuperSnopper - I
am looking for a buddy for Jubal - he really needs a playmate.
Took Chance the Belgian Sheepdog to camp gone to the dogs - we had a
wonderful time!  Chance tried his paws in agility, skateboarding,
flyball, swimming, obedience, freesbee catching, sheep herding - he
passed his canine good citizen test!  Almost as good as our ferret
symposiums!  However, VT is all uphill, Las Vegas was flat ....
Chance has a great time playing with his littermates too.
Nan and Jubal (and Chance the puppymutt)
[Posted in FML issue 4182]