Diane wrote the other day that Fran Brown was a great ferret person and
seamstress and I wholeheartedly second that opinion.  I bought a bunch of
hammies & sleepy sacks from Fran and in conversations about my purchases,
I told her that my son was currently in Iraq in the Army's 3rd Infantry.
Fran, the sweetheart that she is, made my ferret a sleepy sack made out
of camo material and threw in a couple of little toys made from camo
material, just because she's the nicest person.  I ended up getting
ferret #2 and naming him "Stewart" after my son's Army base, Ft.  Stewart
in Georgia, so Stewart has Army toys, I guess.
Fran and I still talk all the time on e-mail and I'm thrilled to know her
through the FML.  And, yes, Diane, I know I still need to buy my ferret
coin, which I still want.  Things have been hectic all around. :o)
Julie Coddington
Credentialing Coordinator
Grant Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio
[Posted in FML issue 4181]