A while ago I had asked if any one would like to share their favorite
ferret memory from the past Memorial Day S.O.S card exchange.  Here goes
There are so many that it is hard to chose just one.  But, one moment
stays with me.  The very first time I brought my little baby Goosie
boy outside.
I put him down in the middle of the yard in the grass.  He started
cautiously sniffing the grass, whiskers and little nose quivering, tail
completely bottle brushed to the max.  He looked up into the wide open
sky at the large yellow sun and froze!  His eyes were huge..his little
mouth hung open in astonishment..he didn't move a muscle.  He was
absolutely entranced!  He didn't know what to do.  He stayed that way
for a couple of minutes, frozen in time...unable to move an inch.  Then
all of a sudden, he whirled around in a complete panic, searching for
his Mom.  He immediately stretched up his little body on my leg as far
as it would go with his front paws held out to me, jumping up and down ,
begging to be picked up.  He had a desperate look in his eyes.  I picked
up his little trembling body and held him close, whispering soothing
words of comfort.  He buried his face in my neck, hiding beyond my hair.
He was so scared, he had no idea what was going on...where was the
celing... what was the big yellow thing?  I held him close as we made
our way inside.  He peeked one last time from behind my hair, braver now
that Mom held him close.
I really like remembering this tender little moment.  He was so
frightened and overwhelmed and just like a small child the first
thing he wanted was the safety and security of his Mommie's arms.
[Posted in FML issue 4178]