I had major abdominal surgery last week, and had to be away from our
babies all day Tues, Wed. Thurs & Friday.  (Made it home, in time for
Friday night meds!)
I must tell you, we are one of the luckiest ferret sanctuaries on the
planet!  The care provided for our little ones, in my absence was
SUPERB!!!  Three babies had been having troubles, so I taught my son in
law Ben how to administer sub Q fluids, and the other volunteers covered
box duty, food, water, meds, bedding changes, and cage-running.
The only one I couldn`t trust to a volunteer was Old Charlie, who has
a prostate problem, due to adrenal disease, and needs his bladder
expressed, every 5-6 hours, until the lupron kicks in.  (Old Charlie
stayed with one of our vets, during this time)
Everyone did a wonderful job---Things were clean, well-organized, and the
ferrets all got out to play, each day, in shifts.
I am sorry to say that Bandit gave up his fight with lymphoma while I was
away---but my daughter Julie was on the phone with me, and I was able to
talk her through the comfort measures, from the hospital.  Ben was able
to make Bandit much more comfortable too, with the fluids, and Bandit
passed peacefully, at home.  Everything was done, exactly as I would have
done it.He died, the day before I came home.  These sweet people were so
sensitive to his needs--and mine....They left Bandit, just as he was when
he passed, in his cuddle cup, so I could say goodbye.  (This was very
hard, because I always promise them, when they come in, that I will never
leave them---and I wasn`t there for him,,,,,)
The 26 staples came out yesterday, and volunteers are still watching over
our little sweethearts, providing for all their needs.I am doing all
meds, but cannot do any bending, stooping, or lifting for awhile.  Worst
of all, I cannot get down on the floor to play....but the volunteers do!!
Their devotion is amazing!!!  I have a 12 year old named Sam, who is
here, nearly every day.  She was hit by a golf club, yesterday, and
required over 100 stitches in her head.  Such is her devotion, that she
has insisted that her MOM come do boxes, in her place!!!
Several of our helpers have full time jobs, and are coming after work.
Others will be here, on the weekend.  All have expressed that they will
be here, for as long as we need them.
Thank God for wonderful friends, relatives, and volunteers!!!
Love Zoo, of Zoo`s Ferret Sanctuary NFP
P.S.--Bandit`s picture is on our website, under Ellen`s Crew.  It was
taken before he began to lose his fur, due to adrenal disease.  (He just
had his first lupron shot, a few weeks ago------Yes, he was worth the
Website addy: www.zoosferretsanctuary.com
I apologize for the banners, (someone here said they were disgusted by
them), but it makes the website cost-effective.
[Posted in FML issue 4177]