I am looking for a new home for my 7 year old Kodo.  His buddy and cage
mate, Podo passed away this past weekend of old age.  I know Kodo needs
the warm fur of another ferret to comfort him, but I am not looking to
get anymore ferrets.  I just started to go back to school for a career
I finally decided on and I truly do not have the time anymore.  When I
rescued Podo and Kodo 2 years ago school was not in the forseeable future
but now that I have this wonderful opportunity, I have to do what is best
for Kodo.
His cage, toys and accessories are all free.  I used to work at a pet
store so there is a lot of toys and hammies.  I will only give him to an
experienced ferret owner of course.  Kodo is a DEW.  His litter box hit
rate is at about 100% accept when he is out playing.  We are located in
Raleigh, North Carolina.
This list has been a life line for me and my ferrets so I know you all
will be supportive in my decision.  Please email me for more details and
Lori and Kodo
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[Posted in FML issue 4176]