HI Friends!
It's your ol' buddy Jerimiah here!  Always something new here at the
shelter!  Well the state inspector guy was here a couple a days ago
checking to make sure things was neat & tidy- he was so surprised to
see how many kids had come in - and then found new homes!
Then he checked to see if the shelter folkses had the microchip reader-
course we had ours a long time- Mom says that way when lost kids come
in - they can maybe get them back home-- but they never even ( the
'spector) had asked if it was here-- so Mom showed him how it worked
with a micro chip!  He was very surprised and said the he was making
sure other shelters are getting chip reader too- so lost kids could get
back home!
Well Biscuit & Gravy have made the jump to being able to play with
Harry & Curly & Disney so's we all gets lots more time to play here now.
Disney is still a quiet little gal and sometimes Curly picks on her so
she squeaks ( that is what they tell me - I don't really notice any noise
LOL) but in general since all the baby kids left we are having more fun
times here.  Curly got some treats from her foster grandparent Jen-- she
got some for herself BUT we got some nice stuff from her too!  Mom said
that was a very special thing as she sent a care package with treats,
laundry soap & paper towels etc.  What a nice surprise!  Mom is kind of
tired lots of vet appts lately - and she has been going to classes some
too.  We all like those times when Mom is busy cause shelter Dad spends
time with us -- and we get away with a little bit more ferretude too!
I am looking forward to Ferretstock a I am going to be allowed to attend
and meet you all!  The rabies vaccination clinic ( for those kids needing
it) is 1-2 PM on Sept 6 at Ferretstock..  you can email the shelter Mom
for more details.  Also some really neat new items were donated for the
silent auctions at Ferretstock-- so you will want to be here to bid!
Don't forget to get your order in for the great new tee with ME yours
truly on the design!
You can see me on the new tee- the jacket covers up my chocolate spot!
The deadline to order them is coming up so please email the folkses here
at the shelter so you can wear me ! :)
The mom & dad here have been scurrying around-- seems the plumber guy is
in and out- their litterbox broke and they are building a new bathroom
upstairs over the small shelter room.-- wow-- I am glad we have plenty
potty boxes here!  here -- and we are all willing to share with em if
they's wants!
Meanwhile we is just doing a-okay here but are looking for the sunshine--
it seems to have gotten lost lately!  Mom brought some lilac blossoms in
last week they smelled so good we was especially happy to knock them down
and roll in them!  :)
Well make sure you check out the ebay stuff this week- there is a nice
assortment of stuff and later in the week some new gift assortments for
summer fun will be listed... meanwhile check out the webpage for the 2003
quilt raffle www.ferretwise.org
We have 150 tickets remaining to sell before the drawing can be held!
This quilt is sure a beauty -- and the designer (another ferret mom) was
featured in a national quilt magazine with a winning quilt design - so it
is a real collectors piece!
ON the new home front- I hear that good ol' Ringo is doing fine in his
new home - he has learned and accomplished the escape the cage trick
quite well -- and now the dig the rug trick!  I am sure glad I got to
teach him all those great tricks!
Hope to see you in September-- if not before!
Take care-
your buddy Jerimiah!
mascot, Ferret Wise SHelter
[Posted in FML issue 4174]