>From:    Lisa <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: In response to Lisa "a question for shelters and clubs who...
>Kat, again my apologies if I flamed-was not my intention.
i did not really take it as a flame...my energies are elsewhere at the
moment...i barely remember a heightened feeling of something when i
read your original post...to be honest..i know it was not a positive
reaction... but i am sure it was just the wording...
i knew this was a touchy subject when i brought it up...i am not a
shelter...i only have to deal with my personal ferrets...nothing else...
so i can not put myself in a shelter mom or dad's place to decide 'who'..
thanks for the apology...but it really wasn't necessary...:)
KITY= .. =KAT and the Fuzzy Frenzy [15]  With 11 waiting at The Rainbow
Bridge http://www.geocities.com/ferretlover97
A Proud Member of S. O. S. ....  http://supportourshelters.org/
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[Posted in FML issue 4173]