Ben sees his regular vet next week.  In the meantime I am loosing it!  I
am a nervous wreck.  I feel as though I cannot be out of the house for
more than 4 hours at a time because I need to rush home and feed him his
baby food or he might relapse.  In addition I feel so guilty overtime I
give him his meds.  I had his pred compounded- he all of a sudden does
not like the Liver flavor so I changed to Linatone- doesn't like that
either.  He completely fights me when I give it to him.  He despises the
Sucrafate.  Does anyone know if that can be compounded?  I feel like the
big bad Mommy.
Has anyone had their ferret all of a sudden reject their meds that they
normally took before?  BTW, did I mention that he will not eat his
Totally Ferret anymore.
Lisa & her 24 paws
aka.  the terrible mom
[Posted in FML issue 4173]