Hello fuzzie lovers!  Ah, yes ANOTHER ear-wax related problem it seems!
(Will this ever end)???  I'm just not sure what this is now! ... I
recently posted an email seeking tips on how to reduce ear wax and the
associated foul smell with my Sasha and I got that under control but NOW
it seems she has another ear-related problem.
I've always noticed that with the ear wax problem and smell, she has had
this rust colored build-up around the EXTERNAL area of her ears that used
to rub off with some gentle pressure and a cotton swab.  Now, however,
THAT is back but it's only external and not inside her ear or ear canal
and there is no wax or mite build-up that I can visually see.  Just this
crusty, red-rust colored, speckles around her ear that won't come off!
I initially thought it was dry, crusted blood from scratching at her
ears but I have yet to see her ever scratch at them.  It's become very
difficult to remove the "build-up", whatever it is, even with ear cleaner
AND ear drops and I just don't know what to do now - the odor is still
present and I can't get the build-up off of the outside perimeter of her
ears.  I'm afraid I'm applying too much pressure when I try to swab it
off with ear cleaner because my poor baby winces and squirms and she's
usually more passive than that.  (Her buddy, Snowy, has never had this
Anyone have any ideas what to do next or have you experienced this same
problem?  Please help!
Thanks so much in advance - PLEASE direct all replies to
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Jen Sasha & Snowy
[Posted in FML issue 4173]