>Based on the CBC, aplastic anemia is suspected.  Aplastic anemia is most
>commonly associated with prolonged estrus in intact females.
>Aplastic anemia in neutered males is much less common, but has been
>reported due to hypersplenism, a rare diagnosis in ferrets that is
>usually associated wiuth other clinical signs (anorexia, fever).  Re
>sampling on the bone marrow is recommended.
I would be far more suspicious of adrenal disease, which is known to be a
potential cause of aplastic anemia.  Hypersplenism isn't really an issue,
IMO.  I have seen plenty of ferrets with nodules on their spleens, and
never yet had one be a problem that way.
Dr. Ruth
Find it.  Fix it.  And fly again.
[Quick Sukie note:  right now Smartgroups is planning a week long
down-time starting sometime in the middle of this month so the FHL
may be down for while then.  Of course, there is always the FML (this
list).  Bill is like the Energizer Bunny.]
[Posted in FML issue 4171]