Lisa I am not a shelter operator but I am a supporter and work with more
than one shelter.
Kat is not wrong all of the animals at the shelters that I support and
work with are treated equal young or old they all are entilted to the
same quality of life to the fullest.
All shelters that I work with have the same problem with finances and
they all seem to find a way to do this,beg borrow or steal it is done.
If you read the FML list all of the time you read my grovling for
raffels, ebays,etc.This is what we do to raise money and there are a
lot of us who don't mind crawling on our hands and knees to beg for the
shelter kids.
Belive me I am not rich but I do everthing that I can for my kids and all
of the shelter kids that I can,I see the results of my efforts in all of
the kids ,Young,Old or the nasty word _ _ adoptable the all get the same
quality of life that they all deserve.
This is just my opinion but from reading the posts I think that it is
shared by the shelter moms and dads that have replied.
[Posted in FML issue 4171]