Well Ben had a pretty good day today.  He stilll has some diarehha, but
that appears to be improving.  He did however try and vomit after I gave
him his Carafate, but nothing materialized.  Thank goodness!
He is such a sweet boy, only 5 and already he has been through so much.
He has had a double Adrenalectomy and a partial Pancrectomy.  Why do
these precious creatures have to go through so much?
We adopted him and his brother Jerry, yes Ben & Jerry from a shelter.
Apparently the owners could not find time for them.  The previous owners
kept them both in a bird cage!  They both weighed over 4lbs each when we
took them home.  Because we give them so much out of cage time they
trimmed right down.  They are so happy together-they have another
brother, Schnapps, and 3 sisters- Oprah, Rosie & Momo.
I've gone through the awful experience of loosing a ferret, well actually
five of them.  I somehow always think that oh next time it will be
easier.  It never is.  To look at him you wouldn't even know that he is
sick.  Despite the Adrenal disease he has the most beautiful soft and
luxurious coat.
However much time he is going to be loved.  Ben in my prayers along with
all the other ferrets and their Mom's & Dad's
God Bless
Lisa & her 24 paws
[Posted in FML issue 4171]