I have answered each personally who expressed concern for my recent loss
of Nibble-ed.  It is most heart warming to have such support on this
These little guys are just animals, God gave us dominion over them to use
them as we choose.  But he does expect us to treat life with reverence
even if we use some animals as food.  Thankfully ferrets don't cook up
well.  No, haven't tried it either.
Our use for a ferret is for companionship, laughs, and just a little fuzz
ball to come home to who will make you laugh regardless of who we bombed
today or what happened at work.
Even though I did not actually like Nibble-ed, I was attached to her just
the same.  Last week she let go of her stand-offisness and came to me
resting her chin on my toes.  I knew she was feeling bad, a ferret will
come to you when they need help.  Just was not anything I could do for
what she had other than keep her fed with something she could eat, digest
and like and keep her in a safe warm place which I did.  Was sad to find
her but not unexpected.  Just an animal, one of billions, but was my
buddy in spite of her drawbacks.
I hear of so many others that loose one and I feel deeply saddened to
know how the owner feels in loss and emptiness of a valued pet.  It is
good we band together to help one another in the time of loss.  We have a
good group here.  Thank you all for your kind words and may others who
will loose a tube dog be comforted by the knowledge so many other friends
are with you in a sad moment.
Gordon, Byte-me and Kodo
Thinking of  Ernie-Shasbott, Tippy, Podo, Bud, and Nibble-ed.
[Posted in FML issue 4170]