Hello all, well its been another crazy week here and on top of everything
we are moving, please visit our website for our new addy!
We took in another load of ferrets this week.  Four came from an abuse
situation, litte Bobo was thrown around by his front legs by his pervious
owner, his girlfried confirmed it and brough the ferrets to us.  Bobo has
no use of his right front leg and very limited use of his left front leg.
We will be doing testing to find out the extent of his injuries.  He is a
very sweet 7 month old boy.  you can see him on our website.
i got a call today form our vet clinic, a man brough a 6 month old ferret
in with a very badly fractured front leg.  He didn't want anything done
but to put the ferret to sleep, he said he hated the ferret and only
bought it because his son wanted it.  They covinced him to sign the
ferret over to the clinic, knowing I would take him and fix him up.  We
are not sure if the leg can be repaired and it may have to be amputated.
i will go visit him tomorrow as I have not seen him yet.  i just don't
understand how people can be so mean to animals, it really ticks me off.
Right now we have 3 e bay auctions going on, please take a look and maybe
place a bid, all the money will be going to help the new baby boy and
Bobo get better.
One of the items are a great set of ferret t shirts!!!
Here are the links:
We will be doing more auctions to help with the vet bills.  Thanks in
advance, and thanks to all who have bid on our other auctions!!
Take care,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
our website addy:
[Posted in FML issue 4170]