I read the FML this morning as I usually do over coffee and when I got to
Alexandra's post I expected to hear a funny story about Switch & Lilly.
I usually only post when I have a question but I was really shocked about
how harsh that post was towards Kim Fox.  The FML has been an invaluable
source of information over the years and I was especially grateful for
all the support given when CJ passed a little over a month ago.  We are
a true community filled with people from all walks of life, and with
different beliefs.  This particular post bothered me.  Kim just posted
(maybe a week and a half ago now?) how a ferret of hers had passed.
Maybe it's just me but if someone had posted to the FML publicly about
me not long after one of my guys had passed, I think I would be floored.
It hurt to read.  I thought Kim's post about the iguana was funny, and I
thought the post about the new ferret was cute.  We don't always have to
agree with or even like what each other has to say or post, but can't we
just scroll on down to something else?
It was something that long after I had gotten to work today stayed on my
mind and I felt like I needed to say something.
Jennifer in AZ
[Posted in FML issue 4194]