Wow, lots of posts came in today about the "flame" post from Alexandra --
the one where she commented about Kim and animal communication.  A few
were private to me, but two meant for the FML have since been withdrawn.
This is a little difficult, since I really do believe Alexandria was
speaking in jest, with Kim's knowledge.  And that belief has since been
confirmed, at least based upon extremely credible 2nd-hand information.
So on one hand -- relax -- the post was a joke.  But then again, did it
hit so close to home for some that I shouldn't have allowed it at all?
After all, humour certainly can hurt too and should not be a disguise for
what is in reality a hurtful statement.
Probably at the very least, a disclaimer would have been appropriate.
And I think next time I might contact the people involved first, just to
be sure.  As long as it's not time-critical the delay won't matter.
Thanks for understanding and for the comments I've received both on and
off the list.
[Posted in FML issue 4193]