Re: the bad PR caused by the errors in those sensationalist press
reports.  It's good that so many people are writing to these places
and it will be better if the number increases.  I know that Greg has
been working hard on this, that Troy Lynn and Dick B. have been digging
our useful data, that the many really informative websites out there
with data/photos/old art work/etc. that can be confirmed have been
exceedingly useful, that Bill Gruber has made the FML a great place to
work on getting these follow-ups to the media (thanks, Bill!), and that
there are some fine letters that went out from numerous people though
like anyone else I only know about the tip of the iceberg and I am very
sure that there are more letters any of us do not know about than ones
we do.  It sure feels great to see so many people trying so hard so
thanks to everyone who has tried, is trying, or will try.  (Actually, I
forgot to use Theirry Lode's website in my own letters -- an oversight
I regret -- so I'll have to see if that one or some other academic ones
can be useful.  Anyone been through them recently or used them to reply
to some of this bad PR?  If not, check these out.)
Letters serve two constructive purposes: some give info, but others which
are just as important if not more so show the media that ferrets are
important to people they want as readers or viewers and sometimes as
merchant advertisers so those letters make them more leery of losing a
sizeable chunk of the people who will see or place the advertisements in
their media.
[Posted in FML issue 4193]