Hi all
My hooman is going to da ferret show this weekend.  I am going to keep
track and see how my brothers and sisters do in da show.
A little guy named Harley came in.  He waz met by Rowdy, Bootsie, Buffy,
Daisy, Emily, Fruity, Pooh, Scooter, Summer, Tunny and Wheeler.  I made
sure everyone knew everyone and introduced everbody.  Then it waz time to
gossip and talk about home and catch up on all da news at home.  They
talked for some time.  After dat they were off to see all da sights and
attractions.  I later saw them over in da Fields where they were running
through da grass and frolicing in it.  They had a real good game of chase
da ferret going and everyone got a chance to be chased or do da chasing.
They ran and rolled and hid in da grass and generlly had a good time at
it.  Fun waz had by all.  They did get kinda tired after a while and had
to retire to Hammock Haven where they all piled into one hammock (was a
big hammock) and took a nap.  He said to tell his mommy not to worry and
sent her hiz luv and lots of kisses.
I am off to da Reflecting Pool to watch da show.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4191]