I am very slow in sending an update on the 2 ferrets I rescued at
Christmas.  They are Marshal Farms babies who were shipped to our local
pet store, with a stop in Quebec before coming to Ontario.  They were 2
of 3 ferrets shipped together and arrived in such bad shape that one
little female died over night.  Naturally once I got my mitts on them
I started some very intensive care.  I fed hand fed them every 2 hours
through the day and every 3 hours through the night.  Even more
naturally, once I nursed them back to health, I didn't have the heart
to give them back.  I thought you'd all like to know that both girls
(Crissy and Whitney) are very healthy and happy little girls.  I call
them my Christmas miracles, because I honestly thought they too would
die, like their little mate.  They were so very ill and weak when I got
them, I honestly thought I would fail, and lose them both, despite my
efforts.  I lucked out, and I am truly grateful.  They are both such
wonderful cuddlers and kissers.  I have truly been rewarded for my
They reside in a cage with Freddy, another rescue who was pretty much a
loner until the girls came along.  Freddy was the only one of my crew who
could scale the plexiglass barrier at the bottom of the stairs.  AND
scale it he would, on a daily basis.  That is until the girls arrived.
Actually it took them awhile to get to know him and slept in their own
cage for quite awhile.  Then all of a sudden one day, I caught them all
sleeping in the same cage, and they have been together ever since.
Just about a month ago another little unwanted ferret found his way to my
door.  His teen aged owner did not pay any attention any more and the
teen's mother thought he got under foot too much, so they gave him away.
His name was Nibbles.  I thought that name made him sound like a biter.
I knew I would change his name, but couldn't decide what to....YET.  He
quickly let me know that his new name should be Houdini.  I'll bet you
can all imagine why!!  LOL As a matter of interest, he too can scale the
plexiglass at the bottom of the stairs.  Is any one surprised at that
revealation?  Me neither <G>.
So now my happy little family consists of 11 ferrets, 2 cats and a
cockatiel.  7 ferrets of the 11 are rescues.  I figure if they find their
way to my door, then they are meant to be with me.  How can I say no to a
ferret in need.  2 of my original boys are battling insulinoma, but are
doing very well so far on regular feedings, pred and proglycem.  I gave
up my human nursing career several years ago.  I guess someone is trying
to tell me I need to practise nursing in some form or other.  I would
much rather nurse ferrets......they seldom complain or whine.  <G>
Missing 9 "Little Angels" @ the Bridge
Sally St. Germain and her 11 "Little Saints"
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4191]