This little guy is just SOOOO sweet!  AAWL authorized me to take him to
the vet today for distemper shot & evaluation.  What I thought was a
tumor on his lower back is indeed just that.  They authorized surgery
(and biopsy) for next Tuesday.  Meanwhile, the growth isn't affecting
his movement in the slightest, and other than his knobby lump he's "the
picture of health."  Doc Ole estimates his age to be somewhere between
4-8 (I said 3-6, `cause he's still QUITE lively & curious).  His grainy
poo is less grainy and firming up nicely now that he's got real ferret
food, water, and isn't having to contend with the stress of being ...
(I'm being kind here) ... "lost." Other than that, no masses (other than
the one, obviously), no enlargements, no fur loss.  A little sneezy, but
not NEARLY so bad now that he's been properly bathed!  And yes, he LOVED
his bath ... zoned out on his back like he was rafting in a luxury resort
pool in the Bahamas!  LOL!  Yes, I AM working HARD at not becomming
attached!  On the real plus side, he's already got several folks
interested in adopting him once he's through his ordeal.
For those of you who may be concerned about my fostering this very
endearing but health-history-unknown little guy, I AM NOT KEEPING HIM AT
HOME!!!!!!!  I'm keeping him at the office (hubby is being very tolerant,
in a martyred sort of way), and when arriving home go STRAIGHT to the
shower and do a total head-to-toe, then wrap my clothes in the towel to
transport them and it to the washer ... hot water, bleach, detergent,
then a SECOND wash in just water.
Now then ... a question (IS BOB C. AROUND???????) : if he DOES have
something nasty (ECE, etc.), is it transferrable to rats, also, or only
within family???  If hubby does not remain so tolerant, my next option is
my son's guest house (totally seperate, seperate air, etc.), but that's
where the ratties are at present.
Please advise ... and say a prayer or think kind thoughts on the morning
of July 2nd for this little darlin's stamina & speedy recovery.
Thanks ~
(& Mr. Jelly Roll & Muki "Da Mukster")
[Posted in FML issue 4191]