Well, Pherit, you've got a taker!  Our mom will donate $100.00 to the ADV
July 4th card exchange because we want to hear you tell us a story.
You are right Pherit, if everyone one donated just $1.00 that would help
toward the fight against this disease.  Our mom made Chloe have the ADV
test with the vet before she could come live with us.  Chloe had a wait
a whole week before she came so we understand how you feel.  We knew she
was OK but mom wouldn't take any chances.
So get your story telling ready and tell that nice Judy lady that our mom
will be sending the check to her in the card thing.
Butch & Maggie (ummm guys, did you check with mommy on this?)
CB & Chloe (don't worry, it's for ADV.  It's not like the time we tried
to order stuff on her credit card from the ferret store!)
[Posted in FML issue 4190]