Hi folks,
Well, a woman who works with my husband asked him today if we had room
for another ferret.  Between our gang and the baby, we don't have room
or time.  So, here is her information if anyone can help: (posted with
"She would be free to a good home, with her cage.  She is about 6 months
old, great with kids, we have a 3 year old who carries her around and
plays with her all the time and she is wonderful with him.  We have a
new baby coming and just don't have the room or the time for her and she
is a great pet, that deserves a loving home.  She has no health problems.
Her only thing is that for some reason, in her cage we have a litter box
for her and she will throw all of the litter out of it and go to the bath
room in the litter but she clears out the litter pan to play and eat in
and uses the rest of the bottom of the cage for her litter box.  She is a
light sable color and knows her name which is Sadie."
Please contact me for phone numbers if you can help or know someone who
can.  Also, if anyone knows of a shelter in the area who is no-kill, I'll
forward that information to her.
Melissa Rotert
Mira, Robin, Samurai and O'Dell
Missing Booboo, Cael, Tasha and Nietzsche always
[Posted in FML issue 4157]