In a message dated 5/5/2003 [!]...
>He immediately got up and came to our computer room and in an aggrieved
>tone said, "You never told me there was Ferretone under the pillow!"
>His face was looking funny, too.  He then told me what had happened.
>Needless to say, being the supportive spouse that I am, I almost fell
>out of my chair laughing.  Somehow it did not help when I assured him
>that at some time in the future he, too, would find the incident amusing
Hi Dawn ~
I laughed so hard at this one.  Tell your husband if he propells himself
out of the bed several times at night scratching furiously; begins to
shed as the weather gets hot; and has a need to dook a lot he's in
Warmly ~
[Posted in FML issue 4155]