Well it's been three days since CJ passed and some strange things have
happened.  Maybe it's just coincidence.  Yesterday I was sitting on a
chair in the bedroom when I thought I saw something moving out of the
corner of my eye.  When I looked there was nothing there.  I went back
to writing in my journal when I saw it again.  So again I turned to find
nothing there.  Right at that instant, my little girl Cindy who had been
sleeping under the bed, popped her head from under the dust ruffle.  She
was staring in the direction of where I thought I saw something moving.
She started to sniff the area and then she ran into the closet.  A few
minutes later I looked in on her and she was sound asleep in an area
where CJ liked to nap.  She has never napped in the closet.  A couple of
times now I have thought I've seen movement in my peripheral vision only
to see nothing in full view.  Has this happened to anyone else?  Maybe
the grief is just causing me to lose my mind for awhile.
Another bizarre thing that happened yesterday was when I checked my phone
messages there were two messages from my home alarm system telling me
that the alarm had gone off and the police were dispatched.  I got home
and nothing was touched or out of place.  The reason why the alarm had
gone off was because it sensed motion.  No doors or windows had been
opened.  My other two ferrets were in their room with the door shut.  The
alarm is set to not detect anything moving under 40lbs.  There has never
been a problem before with the alarm system.  Again, maybe this is just
coincidence.  I joked with my friends today at work that CJ was still
wreaking havoc in my house even though he's gone.  Please, nobody flame
me.  I don't know what I saw.  Maybe my eyes are doing funny things from
all this crying.  I would like to think that my little boy's soul came
back for a visit before he heads out to the Rainbow Bridge.
Jennifer, Cindy & Pete (missing CJ) in Arizona
[Posted in FML issue 4155]