please dont read this if you have a weak stomach or have a compassion for
water beetles (AKA pests) I do have a question at the end though....
Today Jack was playing around the house as usual, and he even left
a pleasent surprise on the bathroom tile...7 or 8 decapitated water
beetle heads... I watched him, as he sniffed one out from underneath the
cabinet... It scurried out into the open...and he ate it like candy...
crunch crunch crunch... This new little exterminater is WAY more
effective than those Raid cans...heck..even better than sticky paper...
and roach hotels...He's the BEETLE JACK...Not only will he eat water
beetles...but crickets...large ants...anything that's smaller than him...
Once he zones in on that certain scent, his little nose goes *sniff*
*sniff* like a little bloodhound...
My question...should I be worried he's eating something he's not
supposed to?  or be happy he finally found a good hobby that keeps him
Also, I was unsuccessful in finding the liquid melatonin...but I did
find the cherry flavored dissolvable caplets...just popped one in a
small pool of furo-tone...let it sit for a minute...and voila...instant
pill-treat :)
-Valerie, Beetle Jack, and Noodles
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 4153]