Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled carpet markers...
(Hey!  Don't shampoo the carpet!  I just got finished making it smell
REAL good!)
Ghost has returned from the vet (actually, he got home on Friday) after
his adrenal surgery.  They also found a hairball in his tummy and removed
that.  His whole belly was devoid of fur, but its already growing back!
One result of the shaved belly is that he gets cold, even though the
thermostat is set to 70 in the house and a heating vent points almost
right at his cage.  So I put a heating pad (set to low) under his T-Shirt
sack and he crawls inside that when he is cold.
He doesn't want his pain meds and will actually bite me (he's never
bitten me in all the time he's lived here) if I try to get it to him.  So
I'm leaving that out for now.  However, it must not be hindering him too
much, as he decided he wanted out to play today!  He got out of his cage
on his own and started out after Jessica.  This please Jessica to no end,
as she looks forward to this attention.  After about two hours of goofing
off, he crawled into a plastic bag (has the back end cut off) and went to
I'm hoping his pain ends soon...and that he is back up and bouncing like
his old self.  He's a brave boy and he deserves to enjoy a few more years.
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns
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[Posted in FML issue 4152]