Yep, its me the most wonderful ferret at the 24 Carat Ferret Shelter,
Little Miss Annie Bones.  You probably thought it was going to be that
stoopid Miss Meadow Soprano the attention hog, ha!  I'm da one thats here
to update you on the goings on at da shelter.  Meadow is still sleepin,
the lazy butt princess.  Da mom is been real busy, with da workin,
getting ready to move at the end of da month, but da house has stairs,
sounds like fun to me.  Mom says moving is to much work, but we have to
go to the new place to live, it will be better for all of us.
And then ders all the dang ferrets comming in, how let da ferrets out????
Why is no one keeping da little ferrets no more, they are some really sad
faces comming here.  But da mommy and all the great shelter slaves, oops
I mean da moms friends are working hard at taking care of everybody real
good.  i looked at da papers and I saw dat there were 124 ferrets that
came to da shelter just this year, and 102 ferrets dat my mom is
responsible for.  Now not all them ferrets are here, 34 are in the foster
homes with, Auntie Ingred, Auntie Brenda, Auntie Arjay and Chris, Uncle
Ed and Auntie Sandy and Uncle Dave and Auntie Cindy.  My mom says dat
they are the best friends she could ever have.  But heres da scoop, da
mom has been vey sad, our friend Fuzzit da ferret got real sick again
this week, he was rushed to da hospital and da great Dr. kolmstetter
fixed him up for now, but he will be needing another surgey soon, he has
something like prostrate cysts dat are real bad and block him up so he
can't pee.  its very serious and he already has had 2 surgeries and is on
some people meds dat cost alot of money for da mom.  But Fuzz is worth
it, hes a sweet guy, and one of my boyfriends too.  We gots another
ferret that has to have the surgery next week, and so many more that need
surgery and stuff.  Da mom is keeping up as best as she can and everyone
is getting what they need but its getting to be too much I heard her say.
She is mad at the bad peoples dat are turning in the old sick ferrets.
They tell her that they don't have da money to take care of them anymore.
But they are luckey dat they are here, we will take care of the little
So anyway, my mom is very busy so she hasn't had time to be on the puter
much, so here I am, LOL.
I know dat they are going to be puttin up stuff on e bay soon to help
with da vet bills, which are really high and will be staying dat way
till everyone is all better.  So pleezee watch for the auctions for the
shelter babies.  They will be starting soon.
And please keep all the shelter kids in your thoughts, specially Fuzzit,
da mommy is real sad bout him and crys.  We do have lots of nice ferrets
to adopt, pleazeee adopt them, haha, I need more space, haha.
Ok, gotta go help da momma spill da meds, I mean give da meds to the sick
And go jump on Meadows head and wake her up, teeheeheeeee.
Over and out,
Little Miss Annie Bones
da smartest and cutest ferret at
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Viva Las Vegas!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4150]