Hi Dippy, Parris here.  The Princess in The White Fur Coat!  Oh my yes,
there is plenty of room under the WRMQ for you and Doodlebug to snuggle.
Did you ask your daddy??  Did you know there is another ADV quilt
project?  Actually it's part of the other....I mean first other...Oh,
just ask the Oracle.  She knows.  I have idea!!  Let's have a slumber
party and invite our girl friends.  I'll invite my friend Pepper, she
a Princess too!  Maybe invite Switch the Kit and Hurricane Lily.  They
have cool wheels.  We could all go for a spin!  You know any of them
*Clan* girls??  Would they come?  We could all get under the WRMQ with
a flashlight and tell scary stories about TSC.  I want to make a square
for the other ADV quilt.  You want to help???  Here is instructions.
Your friend, Parris
[Posted in FML issue 4147]