Yesterday we lost our Lancelot after his second adrenal surgery.  He had
gone through a tricky procedure to remove a new adrenal mass embedded in
his vena cava and was recovering nicely when his little body apparently
threw a clot that killed him.  He died only two and a half hours after
waking up and never even got to see him home and family again.
We're taking it pretty hard.  He was a wonderful lively little guy, full
of attitude, and very young and (otherwise) healthy at five years old.
We had just adopted him and his sister Guinevere from Dookie's House in
Florida almost a year ago right after Memorial Day.
Sandee, please welcome Lance to the Bridge and reunite him with Bear for
us.  Thank you.
roger & the wolverine wannabees
missing bear and now lance too
[Posted in FML issue 4147]