New guidelines on animals in airplanes
Sunday, May 11, 2003 Posted: 5:19 PM EDT (2119 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Airline passengers who rely on cats, monkeys or other
animals for emotional support may be able to bring the animals into a
plane's seating compartment under revised federal guidelines.
I thought the last line of the article was really ignorant on someone's
part -
"The revised guidelines also clarified that animals that pose a public
risk would not be allowed in cabins, such as snakes, ferrets, rodents or
[Moderator's note: The article did make clear that standards would be
applied to determine if an animal companion was REALLY there for support
or if someone was just trying to take an "ordinary" pet on board.  There
was no mention of ferrets, but I agree with Larry here: will it now be
even easier to ban ferrets on flights?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4146]