Hi all,
I wrote back in december about my young boy 'Bodie', who after several
visits to the vet for vomiting & diahorea they found a twisted bowel.  He
had surgery and bounced back for a few weeks but has been up & down ever
I have made 7 visits with him to the vet since his first symptoms began,
each time after injecting antibiotics and a few days stay at the vet for
monitoring he has picked up again.  However approx 4 weeks later he is
back to the vomiting & diahorea.  Anytime we have tried oral antibiotics
(Baytril, Clavulox) his vomiting continues, seems to only be able to
handle treatment via injections.
On my last visit the vet sent a stool sample off to the lab which came
back with 100% clostridium bacteria.  After spending another week at the
vet, he came home on 0.25ml Flagyl twice a day.  The vet changed to the
Flagyl due to the lab results - (apparantly Baytril is not effective
with this bacteria), and could be the reason for him not fully recovering
each time.  Once again I am having little luck getting him to take the
medication orally, he either immediately vomits or waits an hour or so
before bringing it back up.
He has had everything done to him, a blockage has been ruled out through
his initial surgery, 2 subsequent barium meals & countless xrays.  He is
eating very little, is terribly lethargic and I'm sure he hates me for
showving medicine down his throat for the past 6 months.
It is breaking my heart, yesterday for the first time I managed to get
his full dose of Flagyl down by disguising it in warmed icecream and
giving him a drop or 2 at a time over the course of the day with no
vomiting.  He does seem to have picked up a little this morning but
was wondering if anyone knows if Flagyl is injectable to speed up his
recovery?  Every other time I have bought him home after the Baytril
injections he was almost back to himself immediately - this time he
doesn't seem to have picked up much at all since changing antibiotics.
Any advice would be appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 4146]