Hi all
Have been kinda goofing off as things have been slow.  Been playing with
my brothers and sisters up here and having fun.
A little guy named Sidewinder came in today.  He waz met by Sox,
Cherokee, Coco Puff, Rosie, Buddy and Bandit.  I introduced everyone to
everyone to make sure they all remembered each other.  They were all
happy to see him and greeted him very warmly.  They were all clamoring
for some news of home.  They sat around and gossiped for some time about
many things.  They headed out to explore and see all da sights and
attractions after a short stop at da Fruit Bar to quelch a rasin craving.
I later saw them over at da Tube Park where they were all running da
practice tubes and chasing each other.  They had a very invovled game of
chase going on with a little playing fighting in da tubes to make it more
fun.  They ran and ran and seemed to have a real good time at it.
Running through da tibes is kinda tiring though so they had to have a
nap before more playing.  He said to pass on his luv and bunches of
ferret kisses to his mommy and daddy.
I am off to da Reflecing Pool to see what I can see.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4145]