Hello All, I just wanted to give a quick update on Brodie.
I am sooo happy to report how wonderful he is doing.  As of Friday night
he started to take his first few steps, he could go 3-4 steps before he
fell.  I also exercise him with a s mall towel under his belly to support
back legs, it is very cute.  As of today he can go around ten steps
before he gets to tired to move, so he rests and gets moving again.  I
am so happy for him.  And though I am still up every two hours to check
on him he can now eat a soft mix of food by himself.  I keep the constant
watch because you never know how quickly these guys can slip back to so
sick a gain especially one like Brodie.
Boy he is so sweet, gives lots of kisses.  I am bringing him in Tuesday
for a wieght check and blood work and hope his liver values are down.
Now I hope in a few weeks he can find a loving home, I think he needs
one that is kind of quiet and not to many ferrets, I plan to bring one
of my old ladies up after his check up if all is well Tuesday to see how
he does.  He is one I would love to keep we have a bond, but with 38 now
i should find him a home.
Right now many of you know he has run of my guest bedroom.  But boy he is
a love,my 3 year old daughter loves to carry him around in this beautiful
soft blanket a FML member made him.  I am not sure if you want me to post
your name but you know who you are, and thank you he loves the soft
blankie so much.
It is so cute the first few days I had to feed him every hour so if I had
to go to the store, etc, we bundled him up and put him in my daughters
doll carriage and she pushed him were ever we went, petsmart, store.
Rhiannon has really helped him heal I think, nothing like a childs love,
I hate to boast but I am very proud of her, only 3 years old and more
caring than most adults.  She even wanted to give her piggy bank money
to save him, but I just told her I took some :-) .
well thank you all for your support, I will update you after his Tuesday
checkup lets hope for good blood work.  Since I can not get the format
disk for my digital computer, ferret food is more important, I plan to
mail his picture to all who donated to his cause, Dr. Labondes gave me
a list, but you might e-mail your address over so I make sure I have it
right, I really would like you to see a before and after picture.  Plus
if anyone has a way to post a picture and would for FMLers let me know
and I will send a couple of him for everyone to see.
[Posted in FML issue 4145]