Below are remarks from the California Waterfowl Association's website.
They have always been present to argue against ferret legalization and
amnesty.  They also have a guest book.  Please read the below and post
your comments on their guest book:
SB 89 (Alpert) - Legalization of Ferrets - Oppose
The pro-ferret camp has again convinced a state legislator to introduce
a bill that would legalize ferrets in California.  Senator Dede Alpert
(D-San Diego) has authored SB 89, which would deem that any person who
owns a domestic ferret on or after July 30, 2004 owns that ferret legally
if the owner of the ferret is able to produce (1) a license from the
Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and from the county in which that
person resides, (2) documentation that the ferret has been vaccinated
for rabies, and (3) a certificate of spay or neuter issued by a licensed
The bill would also require (1) the University of California to complete
an environmental impact report (EIR) regarding the effect of ferret
ownership on the environment and (2) the California Fish and Game
Commission, on or before October of 2005, to hold a hearing on whether
to remove ferrets from the list of prohibited species.
Finally, SB 89 would effectively prohibit DFG and the Commission from
enforcing any anti-ferret related statute or regulation after January
1, 2004, thereby neglecting the both the bill's required EIR and any
relevant scientific information on this subject.
Because of the likelihood that feral populations of ferrets and other
weasels would significantly impact ground-nesting birds in California (as
has occurred in New Zealand and Hawaii, for instance), CWA will continue
to fight any ferret legalization effort, particularly those like SB 89
which do not provide for a legitimate environmental review and commission
process.  Unfortunately, this time around the Chairs of both the Senate
Appropriations Committee and Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee
have joined the pro-ferret camp, thus making it very likely that SB 89
will easily make it to the Assembly.
[Posted in FML issue 4143]